Periodontal disease causes the supporting soft tissue and bone around your teeth to become destroyed; over time, deep pockets develop and are breeding grounds for infection and decay. Teeth are anchored in the jaw bone by fine ligaments and when bone is lost as a result of periodontal disease, the teeth can become mobile. Eventually, if too much bone is lost, the teeth will need to be extracted.
Regenerative procedures can reverse some of the damage by regenerating lost bone and tissue. Dr. Haghighat’s advanced training in the field provides him with the expertise and skills to employ the latest scientifically supported and advanced techniques and bio-materials available in reversing the damage and salvage teeth that would otherwise be lost.
The procedure involves folding back the gum tissue and removing the disease-causing bacteria. Membranes (filters), bone grafts or tissue-stimulating proteins can be used to encourage your body's natural ability to regenerate bone and tissue. The need for continued long-term supportive periodontal maintenance under the supervision of your periodontist is key to success and a regimen will be prescribed for you to maintain your dentition in a healthy status. Typically this is performed at our office for the first 6-9 month after the procedure. After this period, In most cases, your maintenance is performed by your restorative dentist. However, based on the severity of your condition. an alternating maintenance regiment may be recommended.

Tissue-stimulating regenerative biomaterials such as Emdogain® and GEM 21® is employed if indicated to promote soft and hard tissue healing.
Emgogain® (EMD) is a well-researched, easy-to-apply gel containing enamel matrix derivative originating from unerupted porcine tooth buds. As a component of embryonic tissues, it is designed to promote predictable regeneration of hard and soft tissues lost due to periodontal disease or trauma.
The main component in Emdogain® is amelogenin, which assembles into an insoluble matrix under physiological conditions. The matrix has the proven ability to stimulate various cell types involved in the wound healing cascade of soft and hard tissues (mesenchymal stem cells, osteoblasts, fibroblasts, periodontal ligament cells and cementoblasts) towards a regenerative pattern.
GEM 21S® growth-factor enhanced matrix combines a bioactive protein - highly purified rhPDGF-BB - with an osteoconductive matrix, ß-TCP. GEM 21S® is the only dental therapy containing PDGF, one of the main growth factors found in the human body and well known for its role in wound healing. growth-factor enhanced matrix is indicated to treat the following periodontally related defects: intrabony periodontal defects; furcation periodontal defects; and gingival recession associated with periodontal defects.